Billings Architecture Association House Competition 2014

2014’s BAA design competition will take place at this years meeting in the mountains.

-Have your Project Built
-Guest lecturer Jonathan Segal will be on the competition jury.
-$3,500 in Prize Money from the BAA, with an additional $12,000 Developers prize.
-Open to: Architects/Interns, College Students, Designers, and Draftspeople….
-Submission Deadline is April 1st 5pm

-Go here for a complete set of competition rules and regulations.
-Go here
for Rehberg Ranch design guidelines.

This link contains the cad files for the site contours, …

I used the contours to make a mostly accurate computer model of the site, it is now in the drop box folder, but you might just use the contours to make a completely accurate site model (model is also in Rhino… will try to change to sketchup soon.

I have shared a drop box folder with all of you, if anyone did not get it please let me know.



I will post a more in depth schedule soon, but for now everyone should do their own initial concept/massing models and post them to the blog by the 28th of February,  At that time we will discuss everyone’s ideas and pick a direction to go.

I would like all of us to work in Sketchup, (sorry the site model isn’t in sketchup yet) We all have access to that and are all familiar, and it will make it easier for us to work together on models.

Currently I am think that because of Kurt’s past experience building homes made of SIP’s panels that we should go that direction.

Below is a list of required drawings/jobs for the final boards  please log in or fill out in the comments which drawings you would like to be responsible for ….

Site Plan …. Logan H

Floor Plans

Wall Section

Building Section

Interior Perspective ………..Logan H Be fun to to these with anyone else who is interested

Exterior Perspective….. Logan H Be fun to to these with anyone else who is interested


Board layout



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