
Billigns, MT Architecture

A friend asked me for a rendering of a cafe he wants to open. He had no money to pay me , and he needed in two days. Normally I would say no to this sort of request, however I had rendered a cafe awhile back and I figured I could just move the stuff around and generate a rendering for him very quickly with little effort. Start to finish took about 5 hours including render time, less than two of those hours where actual work on the project.


coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture
coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture

Render from original Cafe/coffee shop

coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture
coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture

Remixed Cafe same furniture and render settings, just in a different configuration.

(added bonus, I was doing it for free so I used crazy scale figures)

bike shop1

Raw Render Ceiling and wall behind the camera are purposely left out to improve render times. Surfaces in direct light render much faster than those that have bounced light

(standard true to life interiors have lots of bounced light) Notice the back of the room is very “noisy because it isn’t getting direct light just light from the little emitters back their that is bouncing around.

coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture
coffee shop Billings, MT Architecture

Scale Figure Photoshopping Stage

FotoSketcher - pencil time

Overlay 1 made using fotosketcher

FotoSketcher - water color

overlay later 2 made using fotosketcher


  1. I remix all my projects too. When people come to me asking to turn basic massing into a nice render, I have to remix details from more developed projects. because at the end of the day, the difference between a nice render and a basic one is the details.

    So im guessing you just were able to design the whole space? (wood panels, counter, lighting, color, materials)

    How did you get your interior render so clean in [2.5 hours?]. I like the texture on the wall, can you upload the MXI output png?

  2. The Ceiling above the joists, and the wall behind the camera are purposely left out to help improve render times. Objects in direct light render much faster (i.e. exterior renderings) the computer doesn’t have to calculate all the bounces. True to life interiors that are fully enclosed require bouncing the light a lot of times and take much longer.
    note that the back area of the room under the balcony is very noisy. there are emitters back there but not big direct lighting source like in the rest of the render.

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