Website Update

I recently decided to redo my personal website. The website only contains school and personal projects, nothing from my day job. I wanted the website to be super simple and to work well on both desktop and mobile. There are no categories just a grid of picture arranged mostly chronologically.  I tried to minimize the number of clicks/tops it takes to navigate, and tried to push as much of the navigation of the website as I could to vertical scrolling, I hate looking at gallery websites on my phone where I have to click to see the next image.

have a look at the new site and let me know what you think.

1 Comment

  1. Really liking the website!
    very simple, and seeing all the different works, small, large, major school projects, all at the same time is great.
    I really like the lack of filters. I think there is something to be said about just throwing all the work together in one place, as opposed to saying illustrations, furniture…. very refreshing.
    Kind of inspiring me to do something similar.

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